Relieving Menstrual Pain

What is dysmenorrhea? Dysmenorrhea is a medical term that means “painful periods,” Unfortunately, 50%-90% of menstruating women experience it every month. Ironically, such an essential and life-giving biological function can severely impact us physically and emotionally. There are several ways to decrease menstrual pain and increase the quality of life, allowing for a more pleasant monthly visit from Aunt Flo. What causes menstrual cramping? Dr. Vicky Scott is the founder of Asheville Gynecology and Wellness, an integrative GYN practice in Asheville, N.C. She is board-certified in obstetrics, gynecology, lifestyle medicine, and integrative and holistic medicine. She explains that as women get closer to their period, the body starts producing prostaglandins, which are inflammatory compounds that cause the uterus to contract and release its lining. This can cause cramping. Cramps can also occur with an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone, mainly when estrogen levels are too high, or p...